Friday, December 16, 2011

Labor of Love

I love supporting individual artists. I found Pretty and Polished through Etsy. She makes franken polishes of super great quality.
For those of you who don't know, "franken" is short for "frankenstein", which basically means a bunch of polishes, glitters, etc. mixed together!

I bought 3 from her, this one being Labor of Love. I also bought Galax-E which is a black base with rainbow glitter and Martian Salad which is a super pretty green holo.

Labor of Love comes in such a cute bottle! Tiny with a rhinestone on top.

It's a duel-chrome, which means it fluctuates between 2 different colors - blue and green!

with flash

in the sunlight

Overall, I really like this polish and I can't wait to try out the other 2 I bought!

To buy some of her polishes yourself, check out her Etsy -

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