Thursday, December 27, 2012

In 2012 I...

Started out at a new job...
...which became my new home

Did a bunch of awesome hair colors...
A color correction still on it's way!

Went on a trip to Minnesota to Scruples Academy...

...and to Puerto Rico

...and to Colorado!

Got out my wisdom teeth and became the chipmunk queen...

Watched Zach graduate from college!

Turned 20 years old!

Did my very first professional photoshoot...

Saw Reel Big Fish, Goldfinger and Streetlight Manifesto

Survived Hurricane Sandy...

Became a unicorn...

Changed my hair...but what else is new? :)

Baked and cooked a lot...but not as much as I would have liked

Spent a lot of time with my cats...

And had an awesome Christmas with my second family.

What did you do this year?! :)